Contains:  Other
The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard33), Terry Hancock

The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard33)

The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard33), Terry Hancock

The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard33)


This image was shot over quite a few nights using LRGB data from my TMB92SS

and my H-Alpha data using the AT12RC and then later combined.

Total Exposure time 15.5 hours

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Image details

Location: DownUnder Observatory, Fremont MI

Date of Shoot Jan 5th, Feb 24,26 and March 3 2013

RGB 6.5 Hours binned 1x1

Luminance 3.75 Hours binned 1x1

H-Alpha 6 hours binned 1x1

Camera: QHY9M monochrome CCD

StarlightXpress Color Filter Wheel

Optics: Astronomy Technologies Astro-Tech 12" f/8 Ritchey-Chrétien astrograph and TMB92SS F5.5 APO

Paramount GT-1100S German Equatorial Mount (with MKS 4000)

Image Aquisition software Maxim DL5

Registed, Calibrated and Stacked in CCD Stack

Post Processed with Photoshop CS5



The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard33), Terry Hancock